Meet one up-and-comer named by Pumps & Systems magazine as a top young professional in the industry.
Pumps & Systems

Jason Tomei

Jason Tomei
Product Manager

The need to learn never goes away, according to Jason Tomei, 33. “Even my most experienced colleagues and mentors, with more than 40 years of experience, are learning new things daily,” Tomei said.

And that’s important in the competitive environment of pump industry sales. In order to stay ahead, keeping an eye on upcoming technology and news impacting the industry is essential.

Tomei got his start as an application engineer at Atlas Copco, and then moved to a position as a sales engineer for rotary screw pumps, and eventually rotary compressors, with CIRCOR. He now works as the product manager for twin screw pumps with CIRCOR.

“The transition from rotary screw pumps to rotary screw compressors seemed like a natural transition and moving up to a sales engineer gave me the chance to meet a whole new set of customers and challenges,” Tomei said.

As far as what job title Tomei will hold 10 years from now? He isn’t sure. But he knows one thing: He wants to be so knowledgeable and deeply connected to what’s happening in the industry that he’s seen as a mentor.

When Tomei isn’t leading international seminars on twin screw technology or improving end user delivery times, he’s chasing around a toddler at home with his wife. He also enjoys cycling, running and any activity that can be done outdoors.

Why did you decide to focus on this industry and area of expertise?
“My predecessor in the role once told me that I would make a great product manager, that I had the mind for it. That put the bug in my head that it might be the right role for me. I have found the challenge of applying my knowledge to solving customer’s problems and bringing them unique solutions to be a deeply stimulating endeavor. Being the product manager allows me to have a great impact on my business, by developing products, building the strategy and vision that surrounds them, and driving my business to be successful. I feel like the pumping industry really found me, by being the right opportunity at the right time. Once I got into it, all of the specialized nuances and niches that make each customer problem unique has meant that each day brings something new.”