For those of you old enough to remember Lawrence Welk, you’ll notice that the title of this brief column is the final quote from his show’s closing song. I am still a loyal fan of his reruns today. November marked the publication of my 99th column in Pumps & Systems. This month’s column—the 100th—will be my last for “Pump Ed 101.” However, I do plan to contribute several more guest columns on an occasional basis. The reason I am scaling back is that I turn 70 soon, and I decided that it is time to think about retirement and spending more time with family and friends. Writing for Pumps & Systems for the last eight years has been a wonderful journey. I have learned a lot, and hopefully, so have the readers. My intent was to provide technical information in an understandable way. When writing about a particular topic, I not only used my knowledge but also did research to make sure that the information I provided was as accurate as possible. It took at least two and sometimes three weekends to produce a finished draft.