DENVER - The American Water Works Association's board of directors selected Joseph Jacangelo of Lovettsville, Virginia, as its next president-elect. 

Four vice presidents and a director-at-large were also selected during the board’s annual winter meeting. 

Jacangelo will begin his term as president-elect in June at the conclusion of AWWA’s Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE21), and his term as president will begin in June 2022. He will follow current president-elect Chi Ho Sham.

Jacangelo has been a member of AWWA for over 35 years and is an active member of the Virginia Section. He recently served as the chair of the international council and is vice president and director of research for Stantec in Washington, D.C.

The board selected the following four vice presidents:

  • Angela Ballard-Landers, an AWWA member for over 20 years, is director of the Chesapeake Section. She is the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) Coordinator for WSSC Water (Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission) in Laurel, Maryland.
  • Randy Black, an AWWA member for 30 years, has held several leadership positions at the Pacific Northwest Section. He is the general manager of the Lakewood Water District in Washington.
  • Heather Collins, an AWWA member for over 25 years, is director of the California/Nevada Section. She is the water treatment section manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in Los Angeles.
  • Cheryl Porter, an AWWA member for 15 years, is a director-at-large and a member of the finance committee. She is the chief operating officer of the Great Lakes Water Authority in Detroit.

The board also selected Ari Copeland as a director-at-large. Copeland has been an AWWA member for 15 years and currently serves as a member of the diversity and membership inclusion committee for the Florida Section. He is an operations specialist at Black & Veatch in Kansas City, Missouri.

All the new officers will begin their terms in June at the conclusion of ACE21.