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Understand the common impacts on stable flow in a process.
Pumps & Systems

Ken McHenry of Custom Valve Concepts joins the podcast to talk challenges of process flow control. McHenry has 43 years of experience in industrial instrumentation and process control focused on flow, temperature, pressure, and level applications with a variety of manufacturing companies in various roles, including applications specialist, product and senior management positions.

The episode is sponsored by SEPCO. Visit them on the web at www.sepco.com.

Questions answered include:

1. What is flow control?

2. What are the considerations to selecting the proper method of controlling flow?

3. What are the common impacts on stable flow in a process?

4. How have the events of the last year affected the process flow control industry?

5. What are the trends related to process flow technology?

Listen to that and more on this episode of the Pumps & Systems podcast. 

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