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Have a plan of action and understand cybersecurity levels for your company

Pumps & Systems Podcasts

Episode 36 features a broad interview with Jerry Reeves of Tosibox. Reeves is an expert in the cybersecurity industry and this is a must-listen for anyone with a system. Topics for discussion include:

1. How does cybersecurity affect pumps and systems? 

2. Who needs to be worried? 

3. How to secure smart pumps operating in the cloud 

4. Testing smart pumps through penetration testing 

5. What if equipment is not connected to the cloud, should you be worried? 

6. IACS regulations and NIST compliance

7. Who should have a cybersecurity plan?

8. Who should assemble this plan?

9. Levels of cybersecurity

10. What if the cybersecurity plan is too expensive?

11. What does a high-level plan look like?

12. What to do if an employee leaves</p>

<p>All episodes of the Pumps & Systems podcast can be found at our podcasts link. Also, search for the podcast on platforms such as SoundCloud, Apple (iTunes) or Stitcher.