The odor-control system improved safety for workers and nearby residents.

Despite having an odor-control system in place, the operators of a sewage treatment plant in the Emirate of Ajman still experienced problems with odors, especially in the headworks of the facility. Officials from Moalajah—a joint venture between Veolia Water and Besix contracted to operate the sewage system by Ajman Sewerage (Private) Company Limited (ASPCL)—were concerned about the safety of its plant workers and the impact on neighbors. Moalajah also wanted to preserve its reputation, since the organization had a long-term contract with the Emirate to operate the sewerage system. Because Moalajah previously worked with a biological odor-control technology company on a pumping station in Ajman, the plant operators again turned to that company for assistance. Together with the plant operators, the odor-control technology provider conducted a total odor-control study of the headworks, including:

  • the tanker receiving station
  • the inlet works
  • the screen and grit removal areas
  • the flow distribution box

The Solution

The study showed that the existing odor-control system was significantly undersized to handle the facility's airflow and that the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) measured in the headworks far exceeded the design conditions of the existing system.
After evaluating several odor treatment technologies, Moalajah chose a completely After evaluating several odor treatment technologies, Moalajah chose a completely "green" solution capable of handling hydrogen sulfide concentrations in excess of 500 parts per million while achieving removal efficiencies greater than 99.5 percent. (Courtesy of BioAir Solutions)
Based on that study, the odor-control technology provider was able to develop a design for a new odor treatment system that would treat the full scope of the site's fumes. After evaluating several odor treatment technologies to meet this new design, Moalajah chose a technology that had been applied in similar applications. The completely "green" solution is capable of handling H2S concentrations in excess of 500 parts per million while achieving removal efficiencies greater than 99.5 percent. In addition, the system functions continuously without the need to remove or replace the media. The company's proprietary media is at the heart of this technology. The media has been demonstrated to be successful in its ability to remove odors with a life expectancy exceeding 20 years. The unit designed for the Ajman site's headworks was installed in early 2013 and performance tested in February 2014. The system's performance exceeded the guaranteed limits of 99 percent H2S removal, eliminating 99.75 percent of H2S from the airstream.

The Results

Since the installation, the system has received enthusiastic reviews from Moalajah because the odors are gone. Moalajah remains in the good graces of the Emirate and the community and no longer has to fear exposing its workers to hazardous concentrations of H2S.