The adjustable flow method changes the flow curve and drastically reduces power requirements.
January 2018

Add ongoing and periodic costs to the buying equation.
Trade group focuses on education, networking
Pumps with new levels of control and remote access provide end users with more choices.
IDA holds World Congress in Brazil
Learn cybersecurity best practices from these experts.
Changes to the piping system can help AODD pumps work beyond their typical applications.
Trade group focuses on education, networking
5 strategies for handling differing system conditions.
Overcome low inlet pressure issues and minimize maintenance.
Dr. Nelik and other experts make recommendations for an engineer in a Middle Eastern plant.
Many industry leaders answered key questions about the pump marketplace in 2017. The Pumps & Systems editorial team selected excerpts from their responses to help you prepare for the new year.
New technology can decrease heat and skidding.
Communities that struggle with flooding and severe storms can find hope with programs that recruit workers and partner for new educational programs.
EU regulations, economics and politics impact the industry.
This formula takes energy consumption at each operating point into consideration.
25 years ago, then-publisher David Hill kicked off the inaugural issue of Pumps & Systems with the headline, “Change. It’s the one constant in the 1990s.” He was right.